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Zih has become Silver Authorized Partner PECB partner
Zih has become Silver Authorized Partner PECB partner! We are pleased to inform you that Zih has officially reached and been approved as a Silver Authorized PartnerPECB partner and have thus

ZIH successfully transitioned to the ISO 27001:2022 standard
Great news for all our clients and partners: Thanks to many years of experience in applying the requirements and controls of the ISO/IEC 27001 standard, ZIH has successfully transitioned to the

Download the Compliance Management E-manual!
E-MANUAL The intention of this material is to be a reading for those who are interested in this topic, but have not yet encountered it, and for others who may want to

Applications to the seminar: Certified ISO 31000 Foundation ❗
Applications for the Certified ISO 31000 Foundation (PECB) seminar are in progress❗ The aim of the seminar is: Understand risk management in accordance with ISO 31000 Understand the relationship between the components

ZIH renewed ISO 27001:2013 certificate❗
🎉✔ZIH d.o.o. successfully passed the supervisory assessment according to the ISO 27001:2013 norm ➡Thanks to the application of the best practices for the protection of information assets in daily work, ZIH passed

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year❗🎄🎁
➡We would like to thank all our training participants, collaborators on various projects, business partners for their cooperation in the year that is coming to an end. We look forward to future

Training in october, november and december
CISM exam preparation: 25.10-31.10.2022. ISO 27001 Foundation: 17.10-18.10.2022. CISA exam preparation: 07.11.-11.11.2022. Compliance management in majority state-owned companies: 15.11.2022., 08.12.2022. Lead Disaster Recovery Manager: 21.11.-25.11.2022. Project Management: 28.11-01.12.2022 ISO 27032 Lead Cybersecurity Manager:

Odlukom Vlade RH određena je obveza uvođenja funkcije praćenja usklađenosti poslovanja u pravnim osobama od posebnog interesa za RH, a koje su u državnom vlasništvu (NN 99/19), kao i svim drugim pravnim

Uspješno proveden recertifikacijski audit Zagrebačke banke!
ZIH je pružio podršku u pripremi i provedbi recertifikacijskog audita PKI sustava Zagrebačke banke, prema eIDAS regulativi. Ovim činom Zaba je potvrdila sukladnost sa zahtjevima eIDAS te relevantne ETSI regulative, što joj

Održan seminar:”Zašto i kako upravljati rizicima informacijske sigurnosti?”
ZIH je u proteklom razdoblju uspješno održao seminar: „Zašto i kako upravljati rizicima informacijske sigurnosti? Sigurnost informacijskih sustava danas je vrlo važan pojma u svakoj organizaciji. Stoga je vrlo važno da svaka
Održan seminar ISO 50001 Lead Auditor i ISO 50001 Lead Implementer
U proteklom razdoblju, ZIH je uspješno održao planirane seminare. 1) PECB Certified ISO 50001 Lead Implementer održan je u razdoblju 07. – 11.06.2022., a na seminaru su bili zaposlenici PJR-a. 2) PECB

Project Management training was successfully held
Director of ZIH, PhD. Silvana Tomić Rotim held a Project Management training. The employees of Privredna banka, Megatrend, Autotrans, Decathlon, Business Intelligence, INA, RASCO, Elektro Kruno and others actively participated in this
Applications for the training Compliance management system audit
Applications for the Compiance management system audit training are open. The training will be held from 19th to 20th April, 2022. If you are working on the implementation of the Compliance Management
E-learning system `ZIHEL`
IH e-learning system allows you to access knowledge and prestigious certificates more easily. In the previous period, a large number of organizations continued to operate from home, which also limited opportunities for
Business Process Management
In times of crisis, exceptional requirements are placed on businesses and their operational efficiency. The goal is to make savings wherever it is possible. More about this topic you can find in