Information has become the most valuable resource of business systems. However, they are found in many forms and in many media. And the reputation of the business system is a form of information assets. On the other hand there are many dangers (threats) that may jeopardize this assets and their number and forms are increasing daily. Possible threats should oppose security controls. Therefore, how much to invest in information security system is big business decision based on the management of information risks. That is why today is necessary to understand this set of problems.
Intended for
The seminar lasts 1 day.
Theoretical and practical work with exercises.
The seminar can be conducted: in a classroom format, as online or adapted to the needs of a specific organization (in-house).
All attendants receive a participation certificate. Silvana Tomić Rotim, Lead Auditor, CISA
Price 1.250,00 kn + VAT (165,90 EUR+VAT)
The price includes: a collection of slides and work materials for the lecture and exercises, a participation certificate, lunch and refreshments during breaks.