Understanding of compliance management (CM) in wider practice, except perhaps in some industries (financial industry, telecommunications, pharmaceuticals,...), is very low. It is not known why it is important and what this discipline represents, what are the areas it covers, how is the determination of compliance obligations, what are the consequences if it is not carried out, what does non-compliance risk management look like, which is why it is necessary in some business system to make assessment of the current state (Gap analysis) of non-compliance, which are all possible strategies for the development of CM, which are all ways to establish a compliance management system (CMS), how to shape the organization and determine roles and responsibilities for CM, which all programmatic the equipment to support such systems exists today, what is the state of application and trends of CM in practice, what competencies are needed, how the digitization of CM is carried out, etc.
This Academy answers such questions. It is intended for different potential groups of users of CM / CMS: members of boards / top management in the private sector, officials and experts in the public sector, heads of business functions: risk management, legal, financial, HRM affairs, IT, security, and especially (potential) heads of the compliance management function and (internal) auditors.
Contemporary CM develops on new conceptual, methodological and technological bases in conditions of extremely rapid changes in the business environment, but also within each business system. Today, it is an interdisciplinary field that requires the establishment of a modern, transparent, efficient and effective system of this segment of management.
The aim of this Academy is to answer the above questions and enable the participants to acquire new theoretical and practical knowledge in this field.
1. MODULE - Basics of Compliance Management (CM)
Terminology in CM
Development so far
Objectives of CM
Sources of liability for CM
Consequences of non-compliance
ROI for CM
The situation in practice
Determination of CM strategy
Trends in CM
2. MODULE - Methods of establishment and determination of CMS strategy
CM program
CMS based on the ISO 37301 standard
CMS and organizational context
CMS and Leadership
CMS planning
CMS support
Operational application of CMS
CMS performance evaluation
CMS improvements
3. MODULE - CMS as an initiator and integrator of other management systems
Determining priority areas of alignment
CMS and harmonization with legislation and regulations
CMS and cybersecurity compliance
CMS and compliance with information security
CMS and harmonization in privacy management / GDPR
CMS and anti-corruption/whistleblower protection management
CMS in data management
CMS and alignment with digitization management
4. MODULE-CMS as a part of the digitized management system
Types of software (PO) to support CMS
PO for individual CM "islands"
PO to support CMS functions
PO to support digitized management
Presentation of the operation of the integrated digital platform for managing the business system with a CMS aspect
5. MODULE- Some common features of CMS
Exercise - Management of Compliance risks
Exercise – Determining CMS organization and responsibilities
Exercise - Management of CMS documentation
Exercise – CMS Audit
Exercise – Assessing CMS performance
Exercise – Selecting software to support CMS
Academy lasts 2,5 day
Method of attendance: live or online (online modules are held twice a week for 4 hours)
Upon completion of the Academy, participants will be presented with a Certificate of Successfully Completing the Program
Zdravko Krakar, Silvana Tomić Rotim, Elvis Dropulić
950,00 € + PDV ( 7.157,78 kn + PDV)
Fixed conversion rate 1€=7,53450 kn